Thursday, May 22, 2014


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Morning peeps

Another great morning which I need to wake up earlier

To catch up with my assignment, my revision and even tough for me is lecture classes

Today I need to attend lecture classes from 10 am to 6 pm without rest.


Sleep in the class is a compulsory things tat I done it almost everyday lecture classes

Anyway, final is here which means holiday also around the corner

That is the end point of this semester.

To final, I will fight for it

To holiday, I will enjoy it

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Pek Cekkkk!!!!
Sibeh Dulan 
Start next year, I will try to isolate myself.
I will only talk with people when I think it is necessary for me to talk
Assignment's group, in consideration
Outing with friends, buddies, family still in consideration
For sure, laugh, talk, chit chat all will be conducted if there is necessary for me to do so.


I will definitely isolate myself
Go faculty, Back kk
All by myself


At here, University's life 
All the people appear in my life is just course-mate and mutual friends
What best friends, best mate, best buddy, best jimui.
All just nonsense for me right now!


但  你们有想过我吗?!


ISOLATION is the BEST solution to solve my problem.